Tuesday, June 29, 2010

HOW many?

As a game, AF and I sat down last night to make a wedding guest list. We have a venue in mind (though we know it might not pan out) and so we let its maximum seating dictate our guest number, and given that 120 was the number I had in my mind as "big enough" but "not a spectacle" I was pretty satisfied. 120, I figured, is enough people that everyone who really matters to us will be invited and there will be a minimum of strangers staring at me for a day who AF can't say "Oh this is my dear aunt so-and-so"

Not so easy!

I have a HUGE family so squeezing them into 40 spaces was a feat worthy of any yogi but I JUST got there. AF has a TINY family but he's sure he's missing enough people to make it to 40. It's OUR 40 that's the trouble, mostly because HE is at the age where all of his friends are married. So who gets a plus one? Married couples, yes, fiancees, sure, long term relationships with partners we don't necessarily like? Do I have to have partners I don't necessarily like at my wedding? Is that my first touch of bridezilla?

Emily can't help me here, no such thing as a live-in boyfriend in 1922...

1 comment:

  1. I can sympathize! I just expanded my guest list to 240 when I decided I had to invite 4 more coworkers. I'm just hoping I'll get a high NO response...how terrible is that!?
